Stucco Services

These days stucco can be installed on any type of construction, on masonry buildings, wood framed buildings, residential and commercial. The advantages to stucco are its durability, sustainability, sound resistances and unlimited textures makes it an excellent choice. Stucco is resistant to fire, rot, mold and termite infestation. Stucco manufacturers offer outstanding warranties with their new polymer modified one coat stucco systems. Builders save time, materials and it cuts down durations for larger commercial jobs. AA Phoenix is certified to install CI hard coat systems and stucco with fluid applied drainage planes. For concerned residential builders looking to design outside the ASTM 1063 standards, crack proof stucco is available. Our stucco crews are trained and certified. They handle variable construction designs and lay outs for simple and/or difficult jobs. AA Phoenix supervisors communicate with PM’s on jobs to ensure a professional installation by the architect and manufacturers specifications.

Contractor Atlanta